Title: Blood Simple Part 2 - Bound
Author: Lar
E-Mail: Eterniata@aol.com
Spoilers: Season 4 up to and including "Who Are You?"
Distribution: Eterniata and various mailing lists.
Disclaimer: The Usual, Joss, WB, Fox ect..
Feedback: Email author
Author's Notes: This came from a game of "What If?" What if....Spike managed to track down Faith before she got to LA? What if, indeed.
Dedication: For Jules, who plays a mean-ass game of "What If?"

The road stretched out in front of them, black on black in the night, the lines hovering like ghosts. The old car was full of the smells of smoke and blood and death. Times like these made Spike think that the night would never end, that they were destined, finally, to rule forever.

He spared a glance from the deserted road to the figure on the seat beside him. Lush dark hair, eyes like bitter chocolate, skin that shimmered. Naked as usual. Faith had little tolerance for clothes since her turning. This all suited Spike quite well.

She turned to him then, slow smile curling her lips. Tip of tongue darting out like a snake's to moisten her mouth. Stretching those long long legs out in front on her and raising them to the dashboard. Head on knees now, body folded in half, still smiling at him with her wet and brazenly full lips. Faith could have been a statue made of marble, carved for the worship of young pagans in some long ago era.


He'd only taken her once since he'd turned her. After leading her to the bathroom of the dirty motel room, after standing her under the slightly rusty water to let the blood wash from her hair and skin, after she'd been clean on the outside, if not within. She'd stepped out of the shower to find him watching her with a look that she'd become accustomed to long before, when she was still human. It was lust, raw and dark, not a thing of tenderness. It was the mark of wanting to possess her.

Before she could open her mouth to say something, to acknowledge what was hanging in the air, he'd grabbed her by the hair and ground his mouth down on hers. His tongue thrust in between her lips and she parted them willingly. He tasted to her like smoke and she sucked him in further. He growled with pleasure and then released her abruptly. She staggered, nearly falling back into the tub, but his hand was on her shoulder suddenly, turning her around.

With a flash of deja-vu, she realized he was holding her now like he'd held her when he killed her, arm like an iron band around her chest, bare breasts just lying on his skin. She heard his zipper come down and he was kicking her legs apart and then he was inside of her with one push. She gasped at the feel of it, ice cold in her still warm core, and her face shifted to its true countenance. He was still dressed, she could feel the roughness of his jeans against her bare skin, the metal of the buttons hurting her as they dug into the tender flesh of her bottom.

Spike never said a word. Game face on from the moment he entered her, he just reveled in it all. The power over her, the mastery of her body, the tightness of her, the heat on his cold, hard cock. She'd lose the heat soon enough he knew - it was from the blood she'd just taken and from the shower. But for now, he was fucking her, hot and hard and in and in, deep as he wanted to go. Her breasts bounced against his arm as he pushed and he tightened his grip on her, lifting her up so that her toes barely brushed the wet tile floor. When her head fell back against his shoulder he, had her bare neck right where he wanted it. Soon, soon.

He lifted her a bit more, holding her now with his arm and his cock, and to his delight Faith growled and tried to grind herself down further on him. He gave her his other hand then, slipped the fingers between the mass of curls where he was already buried inside of her. He found her clit, swollen and pouting out from the dark nest as if seeking his touch. In his mind's eye, it was the color of a plum, dark, ripe, luscious. His middle finger grazed it and she shrieked and shuddered. He nearly lost his grip at her reaction and his cock gave a huge throbbing jerk that he felt to his heels.

He backed up a step and pivoted, seating himself on the edge of the tub. He spread her legs over his own, white as moonlight over the black of his jeans. Now she was wide open to him and he could pleasure her at his leisure. Or not. Spike grinned with the demon's face, and with a flexing of his hips drove his cock a little deeper inside of her.

Faith's hands came down to rest on the one he had between her legs, urging him to stroke her there. She was writhing on his lap, impaled and trying to get more of him. Her hands pushed and she gave a little grunt when he allowed her to stoke herself with his fingers. Her muscles were flexing, holding him inside of her with a grip of satin over iron. Finally he released his hold from around her chest and let that hand come up to cup her breast, thumb running over the hard nipple, the aureola drawing in upon itself with taunt little waves and ridges from his coldness, her arousal. He tweaked the swelling tip gently once, then again hard and twisting. When the pain hit her, Faith whipped her head forward and back, the muscles in her cunt squeezing him so tight that he nearly went over the edge himself.

Slowly stroking her entire breast now with a hand that were gentle, Spike waited for Faith to relax her grip just a little. When that time finally arrived, the hand that was still resting between her legs began to move in languid motions to match the ones being lavished on her breast. He let her fall into the lull of the rhythm, up and down, brushing over and over, bringing Faith's body to the heights in a slow but sure beat. Never stopping his pressure on her clit, he released her breast despite her small whimper of displeasure and used that hand instead to press her back against him until Faith's head lay again on Spike's shoulder and her neck was bared to him again.

"Oh, very nice, pet," he crooned into her ear before his tongue swept over the curve of skin and muscle where neck joined shoulder. Then his teeth were in her, too and she was screaming this time and moving, and grinding herself down on his cock, pressing his hand against her swollen and tortured clit, and screaming and screaming and screaming.

Spike pulled his hand away from her with a violent jerk, and gripped her shoulders with both hands, holding her still. Her screams turned to growls of frustration as he fed from her and fucked her and made her insane with wanting both so badly. His hips jerked up into her with hard, sharp motions that were all about his needs, his desires, and his mouth was full of her blood. She quivered there on him, feeling a pull between the needs of her cunt and the needs of her demon. She wanted to fuck, to come, to get that climax that was being held back just out of her reach. And she wanted to feed. On Spike.

And he knew it. He knew it oh so well, that lovely pull of the blood finally taking over all others. More important than anything else, more important than any orgasm no matter how close it might be, nothing in the world like it. The siren's song of it, the sight and the smell of it, the taste of it in your mouth, ruled every reaction of a vampire's body, and if she learned to embrace it as he had ... oh, the things he could show her. So here was the test. Would she?

He released her shoulders, let his hands slide down her arms in a caress. Faith quivered and whimpered for a fraction of a second. She could feel Spike's fangs, still buried in her neck, but the sensation of loss wasn't as great as it had been at first. Now she could feel his tongue behind the bite, tracing the skin below where he penetrated her. She could feel one single track of hot fluid from the puncture mark slip down her back and between them to be absorbed by the shirt he was wearing, one that had already taken in the wetness from her body out of the shower. Faith let her hands come up and over Spike's and lay there. His cock was throbbing between her legs and her clit seemed to be matching the rhythm. But he was still, so still, and it was all up to her now. No guidance was coming from her Sire. She knew, just knew deep in the core of her, that he was looking for her to do something, something right, something real. But she was so tired, so strung out, the smell of sex and blood hung heavy in the air and she couldn't think at all, she could only feel the need, the drive.

Then sudden insight, flash of utter rightness, just let the demon make the choice and it was blood. Faith drew Spike's wrist to her mouth in a flash, and let her teeth sink in and she drank and drank. He was drinking from her again as well, they were emptying and filling each other now, and as the blood rushed through her she realized that she got it all this way. They were one; they were united; they were bound. With a sudden blur of movement, he was fucking her again, cock pistoning in hard and fast, his free hand rubbing her brutally hard as well, and in an instant she was there and over, shrieking against the wrist that she refused to release even in that moment of climax. And then Spike was filling her everywhere at once, her mouth with his blood and her cunt with his come and her ears with his growling sounds of pleasure.


"So where we headed, Daddy?" she asked him now, head still tilted towards him and resting on her bare legs.

"Oh, we're going to pay our respects to a few people, ducks. Some of them will be less than happy to see us, I'll wager." Spike grinned and glanced at her for a moment. Then his eyes were back on the road, back to the night that covered everything like blueberry syrup.

Faith purred from her side of the car and then let herself slide over in the seat. She rested her head beside his thigh, bumping it like a puppy craving her master's attention. He dropped his hand to her hair and stroked it. She turned her face up and captured two of his fingers in a mock-hard bite, then tickled the tips of them with her tongue before releasing them. She fondled her own breasts, teasing her nipples with her fingernails before letting one hand wander down to the wet and wanting place between her legs.

"Tell me all about it, " she whispered to him as her fingers started to move.

Spike looked over again at her, saw her hands busy at tit and clit, grinned broadly in the darkness. "Shall we pull over for a little while then, ducks?" He steered to car to the side as he spoke and let it roll to a stop. "I'd like to watch the show."

The moon and stars shone down on the old car, windows painted over black, concealing the darker things inside.


+ Back to the Archive + Part 3 +

The Don't Kill Spike Club is owned and operated by Jamie Marsters.
This site is maintained by Jamie, Dayloro & Amezri.
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