Title: Fair Game
Author: Luisa
E-Mail: luisa_barros@hotmail.com
Rating: G
Spoilers: No spoilers, unless you haven´t seen Season 4.
Distribution: Anyone to wants it just has to email me.
Disclaimer: Joss Whedon owns all.
Feedback: luisa_barros@hotmail.com
Author's Notes: Sequel to "Fun." In this realm, there is no Tara.
Dedication: To Kathryn, Brook, Lanie with love.

The cut down Willow´s back warranted 21 stitches. They now made it impossible for the young woman to find a comfortable position on Giles´ couch and she sighed, stomach slightly queasy from a heavy dose of painkillers. A bandage at her nape hid the nasty result of the monster´s brutal shove. At the hospital, Buffy and the Watcher had experienced overwhelming relief on hearing from a lab-coated little man that both Xander and her would suffer no permanent damage from their unfortunate encounter with two of Sunnydale´s most dangerously half-witted demons. Who were now dead. What came later was considerably worse. Mrs Rosenberg suddenly awoke to the fact that she had a daughter and that, according to one Mr Giles, her offspring had somehow suffered injuries during an earthquake while she herself was absent. She found a reluctant Willow at home and endeavoured to play nurse for two days, sticking a thermometer under the girl´s unwilling tongue while avidly pursuing a real estate deal on her cell phone, thus conciliating both worlds for the first time in her oblivious life...almost successfully. "Mom, I don´t have pneumonia...!", her daughter protested in vain. On the third afternoon after Willow´s return to her old home, Giles was welcomed into the house with youthful exclamations of despairing joy. Without much ado, he flashed Mrs Rosenberg his cheeriest grin, cast himself in the role of Buffy´s uncle and craftily persuaded the bewildered older woman that her daughter could very well stay at his house until she recovered.

"You see, Willow´s friend Xander is already staying with me. One more invalid won´t be much of a burden. Besides, she tells me you are under a tremendous amount of pressure to finalize a business settlement...", he whispered sympathetically, blue eyes soothing. Mrs Rosenberg lifted a limp hand to her forehead. "Well, if you´re sure she won´t be in the way...I honestly can´t refuse, since I´d be staying in San Francisco till the end of the month, if not for this...", she replied. The Watcher nodded, privately amazed at the woman´s lack of concern for her only child. Willow´s face was averted from the two grown-ups, making it difficult for him to read her expression. He thought he heard a sob, but when she looked at them again, there were no tears. The girl quietly agreed to every arrangement made and wished her mother luck on what held first place in her list of priorities. Mrs Rosenberg left with empty manifestations of love and Willow moved to Giles´ guest room. "Xander´s not really staying here, is he..", she stated, green eyes dubious. The Watcher looked guilty for half a second. "No, not really..."

Buffy arrived bearing gifts. A shower of books came tumbling onto the bed, followed by several boxes of chocolate, brief notes from all of Willow´s professors, a teddy bear and two arms who hugged the redhead tightly until the pain became unendurable. "Buffy...ow...sorry...ow..." Hazel pupils widened in contrition. "Sorry...didn´t mean to crush..." The other girl shook her head affectionately and proceeded to leaf through the thickest volume on the pile. "What, you´re actually gonna study...? Wills, these are just for show!", the Slayer chuckled, tossing the teddy into the air over and over again. Her companion hesitated, seemingly unsure, then quickly pulled on her Resolve face. "This ain´t a holiday, Buffy, finals´re coming round..." Squirming in sudden discomfort, she grasped her friend´s hand. "Can I get you anything?", Buffy anxiously demanded. "Yeah, a new body.", Willow murmured, a fading beam on her lips. Someone knocked and burst in, without waiting for an invitation. "My first pajama party!", Xander cheerfully boomed, brown eyes like caramel. Willow grinned before taking in the long white bandage which concealed half of his face. When she spoke, her voice trembled. "How´s the head?" The boy shrugged, setting his mouth into a carefree smile. "Still attached to my neck, thanks to you." Stepping forwards, he launched himself into a boisterous display of gratitude. "Easy on the hugging.", Buffy warned. He immediately loosened his grip. Chocolate was passed around to replenish tired souls. After her visitors had left, Willow decided to abandon her crumpled bed and watch the sunset from the living-room window. She found Giles downstairs, busy fixing an elaborate meal for two. He was less than pleased to see her up and about, yet something in the girl´s tilted chin told him to keep his fretting to a minimum. Willow was unused to being the centre of attention and it made her nervous. They enjoyed a quiet dinner during which the Watcher took subtle pains to make his guest eat. Willow´s skull started to ache and she could barely chew. She raised green eyes to blue ones apologetically, receiving a reassuring smile in reply. The sun departed following a magical effusion of colours, each shade lovelier than the previous one. The redhead watched the world darken. A yawn escaped her lips.

"You must be tired, Willow...it would be better if you turned in.", Giles gently urged from his working table. As soon as the words were out, lassitude invaded his being, causing him to take his own advice. The girl climbed the stairs with leaden steps, her back rebelling against the effort. Wishing Giles pleasant dreams, she headed towards the bathroom, where teeth were brushed and a feverish temple splashed with cold water. Her brain had boarded the train of painful thoughts and she wondered whether she should make use of some mild sleeping pills her mother had provided. Deciding not to mix medications, she slipped under the covers sideways, bracing herself for a wretched night. Fitful dozing was followed by a state of unremitting physical pain. The redhead woke up to find herself drenched in icy sweat. Green eyes searched the dark for some relief. Fingers shot out and switched on the light. For a moment, Willow forgot to breathe. Next to her bed stood Spike. In a split second, her startled cry was muffled by a smooth, cold hand as the blond vampire gazed at her, cocking an edgy eyebrow. As soon as he read recognition in her own wide gaze, he let go. "What are you doing here...?", she asked, voice high with uneasiness. He turned away, as if refusing to answer her question. Willow propped herself up against the bedstead, mouth dry. Spike paced about the room before stopping abruptly to scan her frail, unguarded face. "Stealing property, Red.", he suddenly smirked, stretching out at the foot of her bed. The only living heart in the room pumped furiously. The fanged one grinned. Mockery was eclipsed by gravity as he noticed how excessively large her eyes seemed between damp tendrils of red hair. "You´re in pain." His voice filled the room. Willow pulled the covers closer to her aching body. "Gee, how did you know..." was her weak attempt at flippancy. In fact, she was at a loss. "I´ve given heaps of it. I should know.", he retorted coolly, taking out a packet of cigarettes. He studied the ceiling for a long moment. Willow sighed. "I can´t sleep..." The softness in her tone was brought on by a sense of defeat. "...and the real fun part is that it´s two hours till I can pop another pill." Spike smoked silently. Dark blue eyes abruptly veered towards the girl, a silver bottle being dropped on her lap. "Drink this.", he ordered. When she did not comply, he took one of her clenched hands, rapidly unclasped the fingers one by one and wrapped them around the thing, unscrewing the lid. Willow blinked dazedly. "I can´t! It´s dangerous, cause of the drugs..." He shrugged off her reservations. "It won´t kill you, pet. Just toss down a bit of it." The corners of his lips formed a line of reckless mirth. "It´ll knock you out cold.", Willow stared at him, alarmed. "In a good way." Her ear caught the earnestness behind the smirking facade. Tilting the bottle, she drank. Brandy scorched her lungs, jouneying down to her stomach where a fire suddenly broke out. A hand firmly lowered her wrist. "That´s plenty, Red. Unless waking up tomorrow´s not a part of the plan." She gave it back to him, feeling woozy. "Thanks...I think the magic´s working." To her surprise, he shook his head. "Last touch." Before she could ask, he left the room. Willow closed weary eyes and nestled on her pillow once more. Something blissfully cool caressed her forehead. She turned her face towards it. Tiny droplets of water trickled down the skin of her neck, moistening the vale between her breasts. Two wells of jade shuddered as cobalt irises deliberately plunged into them. Giles´ towel moved carefully over the redhead´s whole upper body, yet her pajama top remained in place. When Spike was through, her luminous smile of well-being almost mirrored his less innocent one. A cruel sharpness wrenched his chest and he backed away, running hands down his face. She had fallen asleep with a deep sigh. The towel was tossed on a chair and he pulled out another cigarette, listening to the rhythm of the girl´s heart, now tranquil. The rest of the brandy was guzzled in an attempt not to feel.


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