+ YAHOO! + CHAT + 22 SEPTEMBER 2000 +

Hi all! Amezri here. The following is my shoddy transcript of James' chat on Yahoo! from Friday, September 22, 2000. He was part of some Macy's charity chat thingy with Tyrese and Dr. Drew. Tyrese showed at 9:30pm EDT and James chatted after him at about 10pm EDT. I didn't stick around long enough to chat with Dr. Drew.

James' screenname for the event was macys_guest and the moderator was Yahoo_Host1. I submitted several questions (none of which were answered ::frown::), including one asking James to be Member #0 of our club! ^_^ Maybe next time...

Everything was copied as typed...typos are not mine. Enjoy!

half_brachen: Question for James: After Buffy's done, or your contract runs out, do you plan to go back to theater, or are you looking to do feature films or something?

macys_guest: I would like to do both!

macys_guest: I would like to find some fool to give me $8 million to produce Macbeth.

little_drusilla: Hi James! Is Spike going to get a girl in Season 5?

macys_guest: Ha, ha...yeah! Season number 5 can be condensed down to a few words - more tail. Spike gets it and kicks it.

irish_vamp2000: How would you feel about starring in your own Buffy spin off, James? And what type of show would you like it to be?

macys_guest: Then I would have to work for a living! LOL!

macys_guest: As long as Josh [*note from Amezri: he spelled Joss' name wrong...] had a major hand in it, I would be ecstatic. It's dicey to do a series where the main character is evil. It's not really been done successfully. I'm not holding my breath, but one could dream.

soicara: James - the you think viewers will find out who is spike's actual sire as there is a lot of speculation over whether it is actualy dru or angelus

macys_guest: That will be - well, hmm - patience will be rewarded. Much will be revealed. Hold onto your hats.

platinumpenguin26: James- Do you find yourself ever way too immersed in your character?

macys_guest: Yes. In fact, when they put me in Bermuda shorts and a Hawaiin shirt, my character wanted to committ suicide, and I almost committed career suicide by whining about it.

macys_guest: I also hated my wheelchair that I spent half a season in, so much so, that when they allowed me to kick it on camera I tried to break it entirely, hoping they wouldn't want to spend the money to buy a new one.

macys_guest: I only bent it and had to wobble for the rest of the season.

macys_guest: So much for acting out on set.

the_silver_magickal_rose: James, how has your acting experience chanced your lifestyle?

macys_guest: Acting has dictated my lifestyle. It made me very poor for a lot of years, up until I met Joss Whedon...and I've been comfortable ever since.

platinumpenguin26: James- What are your favorite parts as your role as Spike?

Yahoo_Host1: So sorry, but James has to be pulled away.

macys_guest: Being able to be absolutely rude to my co-stars and get away with it! I love them dearly, but it's just delicious!

Yahoo_Host1: So sorry, but James has to be pulled away!

macys_guest: Thanks for the great questions. Wish I had more time, have to go pretend to be a model!

Yahoo_Host1: James was really disappointed that he couldn't stay longer.

The Don't Kill Spike Club is owned and operated by Jamie Marsters.
This site is maintained by Jamie, Dayloro & Amezri.
Site design and graphics by AstrumIgnis Productions.