+ F L U F F Y + T H E + V A M P I R E + S L A Y E R +

Fluffy the Vampire Slayer is our club mascot. She's a genetic gaff, a Buffy-Faith hybrid. Born on our former threaded message board, you'll find those posts below.

Fluffy the Vamp Slayer

Our slogans thus far:
        "Go Fluffy Go!"
        "Fluffy. The official mascot of the DKSC."
        "Tread lightly or fear the wrath of Fluffy!"


Ivy Milla writes:
Kill Buffy off and replace her with Faith- Buffy's pathetic.
Saturday, 15-Jul-2000 09:16:07
Kill Buffy off- Faith kicks her ass. For someone who's calling is to kill things, she has far too many morals. Faith has the right idea- want, take, have.

Amezri writes:
Re: Kill Buffy off and replace her with Faith- Buffy's pathetic.
Saturday, 15-Jul-2000 23:45:45
As Enzo would say: "Dude!" :laugh:: That's actually a very good point. Die, Buffy, die.
Kill, Faith, kill. ^_^* Buffy may have too many morals to be the perfect Slayer, but Faith's scrupples are so loose she trips on them when she speaks. Okay, so I'm playing both sides. ::crams Faith and Buffy into the splice-o-matic:: the machine whirs to life and out pops.. ::fan-fare:: Fluffy! Get it? Faith, Buffy, Fluffy? ::nervous laughter:: Oh, sod it all.

jamie writes:
Re: Re: Kill Buffy off and replace her with Faith- Buffy's pathetic.
Sunday, 16-Jul-2000 00:46:51
lmao... Fluffy.... lmao!!!!

Dayloro writes:
Re: Re: Re: Re: Kill Buffy off and replace her with Faith- Buffy's pathetic.
Sunday, 16-Jul-2000 02:19:19
Yes faith does rule!! Buffy is having way too much sex lately to worry about that little thing she does called slaying..at least faith enjoys the kill......
Go Fluffy go!!!
Tee hee hee!!

Amezri writes:
Monday, 17-Jul-2000 01:28:05
Ha ha!! I think I just came up with our club mascot. My brain's already thinking of the funny ways I could cut & paste Buffy and Faith parts [get your minds out of the gutter people!]. I kinda like the sound of that. "Fluffy. Official Mascot of the DKSC" What do you guys think? Should I add another section to the site when I redesign??

The Don't Kill Spike Club is owned and operated by Jamie Marsters.
This site is maintained by Jamie, Dayloro & Amezri.
Site design and graphics by AstrumIgnis Productions.