What do you think about the proposed new Buffy movie, without Joss Whedon's involvement?
0% - I'm excited about it, it sounds awesome!
0% - I'll check it out
78% - I'll check it out, but I'm not happy about the lack of Joss
22% - I'll check it out, just so I can mock it with my friends
0% - I'm boycotting it: No Joss, No Buffy!
Did you enjoy "Dragonball"?
100% - Nah, not really my thing
0% - Yes, it was the best!
0% - Yeah, it was ok
0% - It could have been better, but James was good
0% - It could have been better
0% - No, I hated it!
Do you think the proposed Spike Telemovie will ever happen?
66% - Yes, if Joss and James can get the network support they need.
15% - Not likely, just a lot of talk and no action.
12% - Absolutely! No doubt in my mind!
7% - Maybe, anything's possible.
0% - Definitely not, it's never gonna happen!
Will you watch James' episode of "The Mountain"?
66% - Absolutely! I'd follow James to hell and back!
24% - Yes, but only because James is in it.
5% - Maybe, I've not decided yet.
2% - Yes, I'm already a regular view of "The Mountain"
2% - No, I'm boycotting The WB.
1% - No, James' appearance means nothing to me.
0% - No, I hate "The Mountain" and nothing on this earth can make me watch it.
Who's your favorite couple?
41% - Spuffy (Spike & Buffy)
23% - Spangel (Spike & Angel)
18% - Spru (Spike & Dru)
9% - Spander (Spike & Xander)
4% - Spillow (Spike & Willow)
3% - Spred/Spillyria (Spike & Fred/Illyria)
1% - Sparmony (Spike & Harmony)
1% - Spiles (Spike & Giles)
0% - Spanya (Spike & Anya)
0% - Spordelia (Spike & Cordelia)
Which character would you most like to see in an Angel movie?
37% - Spike (duh!)
23% - Fred/Illyria
23% - Connor
8% - Angel
8% - Lorne
0% - Wesley
0% - Gunn
Who Will Be The First Person Spike *tries* to Kill Once His Chip Is Out?
56% - The Initiative Boys (Chip.....need I say more?)
27% - Buffy (for the *beneath me* comment)
9% - Xander (because of those great clothes he lent Spike)
7% - Giles (For chaining him up in the tub)
When Do You Think Spike Will Get His Chip Out?
43% - In The Season Finale
26% - He's Never Getting It Out....
21% - February Sweeps
10% - Not Until Season 6
Who Do You Think Spike's Sire Is?
57% - Drusilla
40% - Angel
3% - Darla
*NOTE* Before "Fool for Love" aired, most of you thought Angel was Spike's Sire! Just goes to show how *evil* Joss Is!!
What Should Be Xander's Next Job
63% - Go to college and get a life you lazy git!!
16% - UPS Man
14% - Drive-Thru boy at the Happy Burger
4% - Mailroom worker
2% - Dishwasher
Who or What Do You Think Tara Really Is?
30% - She is good but has dark secrets a la Angel
21% - She IS the goddess Thespia
21% - She is the daughter of the goddess Thespia
18% - She's evil
Who would be the best "shoe in" as Buffy's Watcher??
34% - Willow
29% - Angel
23% - Spike
14% - Xander