+ W H A T + S A Y + Y O U + M A T E + ? +

We've been busy, so a weekly poll just isn't possible anymore. Instead, here's our semi-regular poll for you members to ponder! Once the new poll goes up, the results for the previous poll will be posted below. Please limit yourself to one vote per day.


Free Vote Caster from Bravenet.com Free Vote Caster from Bravenet.com


What do you think about the proposed new Buffy movie, without Joss Whedon's involvement?
0% - I'm excited about it, it sounds awesome!
0% - I'll check it out
78% - I'll check it out, but I'm not happy about the lack of Joss
22% - I'll check it out, just so I can mock it with my friends
0% - I'm boycotting it: No Joss, No Buffy!

Did you enjoy "Dragonball"?
100% - Nah, not really my thing
0% - Yes, it was the best!
0% - Yeah, it was ok
0% - It could have been better, but James was good
0% - It could have been better
0% - No, I hated it!

Do you think the proposed Spike Telemovie will ever happen?
66% - Yes, if Joss and James can get the network support they need.
15% - Not likely, just a lot of talk and no action.
12% - Absolutely! No doubt in my mind!
7% - Maybe, anything's possible.
0% - Definitely not, it's never gonna happen!

Will you watch James' episode of "The Mountain"?
66% - Absolutely! I'd follow James to hell and back!
24% - Yes, but only because James is in it.
5% - Maybe, I've not decided yet.
2% - Yes, I'm already a regular view of "The Mountain"
2% - No, I'm boycotting The WB.
1% - No, James' appearance means nothing to me.
0% - No, I hate "The Mountain" and nothing on this earth can make me watch it.

Who's your favorite couple?
41% - Spuffy (Spike & Buffy)
23% - Spangel (Spike & Angel)
18% - Spru (Spike & Dru)
9% - Spander (Spike & Xander)
4% - Spillow (Spike & Willow)
3% - Spred/Spillyria (Spike & Fred/Illyria)
1% - Sparmony (Spike & Harmony)
1% - Spiles (Spike & Giles)
0% - Spanya (Spike & Anya)
0% - Spordelia (Spike & Cordelia)

Which character would you most like to see in an Angel movie?
37% - Spike (duh!)
23% - Fred/Illyria
23% - Connor
8% - Angel
8% - Lorne
0% - Wesley
0% - Gunn

Who Will Be The First Person Spike *tries* to Kill Once His Chip Is Out?
56% - The Initiative Boys (Chip.....need I say more?)
27% - Buffy (for the *beneath me* comment)
9% - Xander (because of those great clothes he lent Spike)
7% - Giles (For chaining him up in the tub)

When Do You Think Spike Will Get His Chip Out?
43% - In The Season Finale
26% - He's Never Getting It Out....
21% - February Sweeps
10% - Not Until Season 6

Who Do You Think Spike's Sire Is?
57% - Drusilla
40% - Angel
3% - Darla
*NOTE* Before "Fool for Love" aired, most of you thought Angel was Spike's Sire! Just goes to show how *evil* Joss Is!!

What Should Be Xander's Next Job
63% - Go to college and get a life you lazy git!!
16% - UPS Man
14% - Drive-Thru boy at the Happy Burger
4% - Mailroom worker
2% - Dishwasher

Who or What Do You Think Tara Really Is?
30% - She is good but has dark secrets a la Angel
21% - She IS the goddess Thespia
21% - She is the daughter of the goddess Thespia
18% - She's evil

Who would be the best "shoe in" as Buffy's Watcher??
34% - Willow
29% - Angel
23% - Spike
14% - Xander

The Don't Kill Spike Club is owned and operated by Jamie Marsters.
This site is maintained by Jamie, Dayloro & Amezri.
Site design and graphics by AstrumIgnis Productions.


  Last updated 16.03.10