+ T H E + A R T + O F + S P I K E +

If you have Spike artwork you've created, digital, hand-drawn, or otherwise, please feel free to submit them by e-mailing us. Don't forget to put "Spike Art" in the subject area.

+ JAMIE'S + WALLPAPERS + by jamie_marsters NEW

Spike Speed by nmcil
Spike B&W Card by nmcil
Lunch Box Thanks DC by nmcil
Death Dying in Sunnydale Rainbow by nmcil
Buffy/Spike Heart by Evush
Spike a-glow by Dayloro
Neon Spike by Dayloro

+ T H E + A R T + O F + F L U F F Y +

For those of you not familiar with Fluffy, she's our club mascot. You can find out more about her here.

What we're looking for are some more interpretations of what Fluffy looks like. Hand-drawn, computer manipulated, anything you can do! Just keep in mind that Fluffy is a Buffy-Faith hybrid.

Fluffy by Amezri
Fluffy 2 by Amezri

The Don't Kill Spike Club is owned and operated by Jamie Marsters.
This site is maintained by Jamie, Dayloro & Amezri.
Site design and graphics by AstrumIgnis Productions.